Is site speed important for SEO?

site speed

Is site speed important for SEO? 3

Site speed and its importance in SEO

A professional SEO and site optimization expert considers all the aspects and features of a website. One of these factors affecting SEO is the speed of the website, which sometimes, of course, some SEO workers overestimate it. They obsess over spending and some ignore its importance. For example, some company owners or even site optimization officials generally do not consider the loading speed of website pages, and some test and check their website speed daily and even several times a day.

Site speed is a good reason for webmasters to get frustrated. Websites that are slow, in addition to having a bad effect on the morale of site users, also cause problems in search engine optimization (SEO).

What is page speed? Page speed in SEO is very important for user experience, which is a measure that measures page loading speed. Several factors can affect the speed of loading a page, such as a server response time, large images, content delivery network (CDN), JavaScript, etc. Of course, not everything is related to your site and the factors related to the user can also play a role in page loading time; For example, poor internet connection or certain devices.

The higher speed of the website reduces the wasted time of users and thereby improves the user experience. In a world where faster access to information is considered a kind of superiority and feature, even a few seconds can make a huge difference.

Why is your site speed important?

The speed of your website has a direct impact on two factors: 1-User experience 2-Site SEO

What is user experience?

User Experience (UX) is the factor that makes a user visit your website again or decide to never enter it again!Based on user experience, sites with high speed are known as superior sites because:

-They have more satisfied users due to time savings.

-User productivity is higher on these sites.

-Users spend more time on these sites.

How about Site SEO?

Google uses many factors to determine the rank of your site. The speed of your site is one of the most important factors in this ranking. Google’s optimal speed factor sets standards for site loading speed on mobile and desktop. If your site does not have at least these standards, you will lose your chance to be on the first page of Google.

How does page speed affect bots?

We usually look at the impact of slow page speeds on actual visitors, as well as how Google ranks pages with slow or high speeds. But page speed also affects search engine bots.

Just like human visitors, bots request to view your pages. This process is known as crawling and if you want your content to be added to the search engine index, you need to focus on page SEO.

What is Google PageSpeed ​​Insights?

PageSpeed ​​Insights is an online tool provided by Google that is used to identify web performance issues on sites. Although this is mostly related to technical SEO issues, these tools also analyze the site from the user experience and accessibility point of view.

How to check the speed of a site?

-Google’s PageSpeed Insights

– Pingdom

– YSlow

What are the main reasons for slow site speed?

Host or server


Site theme or template


Photos and videos

Is site speed important for SEO? 4

The best way to avoid these problems is to design a website based on correct principles and in accordance with current knowledge. Therefore, choosing a professional website design company will have a great impact on the future of the website.

The issue of speed may not have a significant direct effect on increasing Google’s ranking, but its indirect effect on your site’s SEO is undeniable and cannot be ignored. Especially in today’s world, where people consider the speed of doing their work more important than ever before. And among today’s very fast and advanced websites, website speed has become a fundamental criterion in determining the credibility and even the success or failure of a website.

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