SMS marketing


With the lowest cost and correct and principled implementation of SMS marketing, we attract customers to buy the products and services of your business.

What is SMS marketing?

Sending a short message in the form of a text message to the target audience is called sms marketing. In general, it is one of the ways that businesses communicate with their users through mobile phones and advertise their products or services or invite them to take action by making an offer , and we are using it as a part of our digital marketing strategies .  

In other words, it is a solution that can convert current regular customers into potential customers and keep them loyal, as well as help you attract new customers. This method of marketing can be one of the simplest, most effective, and of course, the least expensive marketing methods.

Advantages of SMS Marketing

1- Low shipping cost

The cost of sending each SMS to each person does not cost much, while it can have tens of times the return on investment.

2- Messages are sent whenever we want
Since SMS is sent instantly, it can deliver business news or offers to the audience at any time they want, and most of these messages are opened within a few minutes after being received by the audience. This means that SMS is the best way to send content to the audience in real time.

3- High coverage level

The mobile phone penetration rate is very high, which shows that the people of the world have at least one mobile phone at home. This wide network of people makes you reach a large number of people and attract their attention to businesses.

4- Being traceable

This method is trackable like any other digital marketing method and we can check the quality of our message by tracking how many users clicked on our link, used our code, or responded to our request.

How do we make you successful in SMS marketing?

  • We find your target audience
    This is a problem that many SMS campaigns struggle with. But we try to identify the audience so that your investment is not wasted and you get more results.
  • We choose the right time

For example, for a beauty salon, it is definitely the best time to create a campaign near Christmas or on important days of the year. Even giving a discount and birthday greetings can attract more customers to this beauty salon.

  • We create a suitable platform for the customer journey
    One of the problems that may happen is that, for example, the campaign is designed in the best way, everything is perfect, and the client decides to respond to the request we had from him. He clicks on the link in the SMS, but the site can’t handle it because many customers are logged in at the same time, and the customer encounters an error, which affects the customer journey and spoils the customer’s image of your business.
    But with Intvips this concern is solved.
  • good text

Of course, like any other method, the content of your SMS is very important. It is definitely important to write something that can attract the audience in a short text with a limited number of characters. One of the most important parts of your campaign is writing good content, so stick with Intvips.

Tips for implementing SMS marketing

When we want to run a good campaign, the best thing is to put ourselves in the shoes of the audience. How will we react if we receive this text message? Would we welcome it or would it just annoy us?

Interesting start

It is better to start the SMS with an attractive sentence. In this way, the customer is encouraged to read further and pay more attention to the offers. In addition, a good start can make the audience feel closer to the brand. Don’t worry about the start!!! we are here.

Benefit for the customer

If the SMS has no benefit for the customer, it is better not to send the SMS at all. These kinds of useless text messages are only annoying and cause customer annoyance and damage the brand image. It can be said that these smses are not useful for the customer or for the brand.


Brief and useful text

In fact, its name is a short message. This is the main feature of an advertising message that presents its offer or news at a low time. Always remember that the customer’s time is valuable.According to this point, the Intvips group arranges the most useful and shortest SMS.

Stimulate the audience

Many scientific studies have shown us that making a specific request from the audience (known as a call to action) can have an incredible impact on the effectiveness of a message. leave this to Intvips.

Create a sense of necessity

As scientific research has proven many times and you must have experienced it, when the audience feels the need, the effectiveness of the message will multiply. In order to create a sense of urgency in the audience, our group specifies an end date for each SMS and asks the audience to start working as soon as possible. Naturally, the earlier the expiration date, the more effective your SMS will be. But it should be long enough for the audience to react.

Create a sense of intimacy

We create a feeling of intimacy and closeness in your SMS and prove to the customer that we care about him. For this purpose, the Intvips group receives the customer’s name at the time of registration, and then we use this name in the SMS text.

Types of SMS for businesses

In SMS marketing, you can communicate with your target audience in different ways. For example, promotional SMS can be used to promote and promote a product or service. In this section, we share some types of SMS with you. You can achieve your goal using them:

1.Promotional SMS

Promotional SMS refers to a text message that is sent to the audience with the aim of increasing sales, promoting a product, or creating brand awareness. For example, we use it to introduce your new products, provide discount codes and inform you about sales festivals.On the other hand, advertising SMS is a good option to communicate with the customer based on his behavior on the website. For example, if a user adds a product to their shopping cart, we send them a welcome SMS so they don’t abandon their cart.

2.Transactional SMS

Transactional SMS is a text message that provides the information needed by the customer. For example, order details or a postal tracking code can be sent after a customer makes a purchase. The purpose of sending this type of SMS is to keep the customer and turn him into a permanent customer.

3.SMS reminder

Reminder SMS is considered the best tool to maintain customer relationships and strengthen loyalty programs. For example, we use reminder SMS to remind you to renew your subscription or a sales meeting. Don’t forget that sometimes a small reminder can bring customers back into the sales process.

SMS marketing is suitable for which businesses?

Restaurants and cafes

SMS is the firearm of restaurants and cafes. Intvips group uses this method to reserve a table, send discount codes, introduce new food and drinks, inform about special prices on the weekend and send tempting offers to customers around the restaurant during lunch and dinner.

Online stores

Online stores cannot survive without email and SMS. Intvips experts try to increase your sales by informing about sales festivals or sending discount codes.

sport clubs

Gyms need people who live around them. SMS marketing will enable them to attract potential customers with tempting offers such as 25% discount on tuition fees. They can also retain existing customers by sending educational tips and information about new devices and features.


And the last word

SMS marketing can be very efficient and effective if you pay attention to the indicators of the target audience, have a real advantage for the audience, prepare a good text, and have a suitable platform to provide a better customer journey.

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